Saturday, February 27, 2010

my best friend

I miss my best friend.

Her mom tagged this picture of us on facebook, which I haven't seen since it was taken about 9 years ago. Not the best picture of either of us but she is my best friend and any picture of us together is perfect.


Memories came flooding back to me. All our good times together, I couldn't even begin to try and list them all..I just wouldn't know where to start.

She is one of a kind. I love her.

I wish I could find more friends like her.
I wish we lived closer.
I wish we talked more.
I wish she knew how much I love her and miss her.

I am so grateful that even though I have been away for 9 years, we really are still best friends. I don't know if I'll ever move back to North Carolina, and I am pretty sure she will never move to Idaho. I do know, however, that we will always be the best of friends.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 months


Kodee is 10 months old. Time is going by way to fast!

She is just starting to grow a little hair, we are still about 7 years from a pony tail, but I will give her a little credit for the few strands that have grown a millimeter or two.

She has started waving hello, but I am pretty sure she thinks we are crazy when we randomly say hello and wave really big to her.

She can play peek-a-boo. She puts her head down on the ground, face down, and then sits up really fast and laughs when we say peek-a-boo.
She gives perfect open mouth slobbery kisses.

She has started using sounds. Although she has only said dada once, and mama only once. Grrr. She loves to talk and she loves to hear herself be loud. Boy can she be loud!

She has 2 bottom teeth, 2 more bottom teeth that just broke through, and 2 top teeth that are coming. This makes her understandably grumpy every now and then.

She loves her sippy cups of water, she chugs them down. Thank goodness, she mastered that one.

She loooves Kailer, she gets so excited when she sees him get off the bus everyday. She goes crazy. She thinks Katie Beth is weird and just looks at her like she is a freak. Glad she figured that one out too.

She loooves her mommy. Ok and her daddy. But she is really attached to mommy. Really.

Kodee is just a happy sweet little baby. We love her and we wish she would stay this age for a little longer.


Valentine's Day

I made the kids Valentine's Day mailboxes this year. They loved them. Kailer's had a super mario mushroom, and Katie Beth's had a cupcake. They spent the whole week making Valentine's for their boxes, who knew it would keep them that busy? Awesome!



Sadie's Hat

The kids were in the kitchen yelling at each other about something, so Brian went in to see what was going on. They were upset because they said Sadie's hat had blown over the fence and into our yard. They were so worried about Sadie needing her hat. Then they started fighting about who was going to get it. Brian told them that Kailer could go get it, and Katie Beth could take it over to her house. So Kailer threw on his jacket and trudged through the snow to save Sadie's hat. When he got to it, he found Katie Beth's birthday balloon. What a let down. Katie Beth said, "Well I just wanted to see my balloon in the sky, really honey. I'll just color Sadie a picture honey.". So Sadie, we got your back girl!




100th day

Kailer had his 100th day of school a little while back. Scary for me, that means school letting out is a lot closer than I am comfortable with. Yikes! He had such a fun day. All their activities for the day revolved around 100. He had to bring a special show and tell item that had 100 pieces, so he made a necklace with 100 beads. I am so glad that Kailer loves school!


Friday, February 19, 2010

No privacy...

OK...I tried private for a while. I don't have enough patience to keep up with all the adding people and all that drama. I can't remember who sent me what to where and if I already added it or still need to. It is too much work. Now maybe I will have a chance to blog instead of just adding people when I get a few minutes to get on here.