Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday

I guess these pictures were lost and I didn't even know. When I was transferring all my pictures last week I found them.

Brian turned 30! Old huh?
He really does feel old. And so do I. For some reason we aged a lot this year, maybe just in our heads, but we all of a sudden feel like old folks. We will get past it, don't you worry.

Brian's parents came for his birthday. We had a little cook out and his favorite cake, better than sex cake. We were a little nervous about the 30 lit candles that created a ball of fire, but everyone survived, and we had no visits from the fire department. Wonderful.

Just wanted to give a small shout out to my handsome husband. I love you Bri, and if we are old now, I want to grow really really old together. Thank you for all you do. Stop making me look bad. HAHAHA.

Opening presents, with a little help of coarse.

MY favorite present, s'mores! Thanks Wendy!


That took a big breath.

Kodee loves birthdays. And yes she can not eat with out a foot on the table.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Brian!! That last picture had me cracking up! Too funny!
