Tuesday, January 4, 2011

18 months


Kodee is 18 months old!  Woah.  Time has flown by!  She is starting to be a little mean, my sweet Kodee is lost.  She finally had a growth spurt and doesn't look like a midget (or little person, whatever)  as much anymore.  She started nursery, and just had her first successful "stay by myself, with out crying, just screaming mom's name at the door, as long as the poor dude teacher holds me for 2 hours" day.  I got to go to Sunday school and Relief Society, that was one of the few times since we have been married. 

Oh and look at this ridiculousness.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl!!I always love to see updates on your blog! The kids look great! Miss you and love you! Hope your holidays were great!
