Thursday, June 19, 2008

girls night out

Camille, Becky and I had a girls night out the Friday before Father's Day. We went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then went on a huge shopping trip to Kohl's. After we went back to Becky's to hang out. Her husband and kids were gone camping so we had the house all to ourselves. Becky scrapbooked while Camille and I blogged. It was a fun night with just the girls, and no kids and husbands, just to laugh and play. Thanks girls!
Krystal + Camille=Kramille
Becky getting her shop on..
This is what I love about Camille..she's so happy:)

1 comment:

  1. Well at least I look half way normal in these pictures. I swear I just checked your blog and then I come back and there are like 12 new posts it was so fun!!! We need to hang out. :)
