Wednesday, August 26, 2009

4 months

ahhhhh! Kodee will be 4 months old this week. I can't believe how fast she is growing and it makes me so sad! Here are a few things that we love about our KoKo.
*She looks even more like me than Katie Beth does.
*She has more hair than the other 2 kids did when they were babies.
*She is a rolie polie and rolls all over the place. We can't leave her alone for a second.
*She is a fat baby and we call her musha musha.
*Her legs are bigger in width than in length.
*Her eyes are still blue. I thought for sure those baby blues were fleeting.
*She is a great sleeper. She sleeps through the night, every night.
*She loves to laugh.
*She is a freak about heights.
*She has a birth mark on the back of her neck the same place as Kailer.
*She is sass. Katie Beth is sissa.
*She had her first time with out mom or dad when we took Kai to school.
*She only poops every couple of days, and it's always in her car seat. How many times can your wash that thing before it starts to disintegrate?
*She always smiles with her mouth wide open.
Kodee is pretty much the best baby ever.


  1. She is so so CUTE!!!


    Lucas sure did love having his first playdate. And you dont have to to worry about not leaving a bag. I have all the baby stuff she could ever want. :)
