Friday, August 28, 2009

Ears and Tears

Katie Beth got here ears pierced today! I prepped her before hand and told her it was going to hurt for 5 minutes, but then they would be really pretty. She was really brave and said that was fine, she sat in the chair and wasn't scared at all.
She had a 3 second delayed reaction, and then came the big alligator tears. She cried for about 3 minutes and then she whimpered for another 5.
So happy because "now I am a beautiful princess, and I look like aunt Suzannie".
She got to pick out a few pairs of earrings to wear when she can change them out. She was so excited.
I can't believe she is such a big girl now. I love my big girl!


  1. Little Katie Beth is just precious with her new ear holes.

    I love the pictures you took!

  2. new ear holes? your wording is precious. haha. you make me laugh. how are you on your side of ammon road?
