Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Moment

So whenever I've been asked the classic question..."What's your most embarrassing moment?"...I never have an answer. Iv'e been mildly emabarassed a few times in my life, but never anything noteworthy. I'm just not an easily emabarrassed person i think. Well that all changed Sunday. Brian and I were sitting in Singing Time with our little Sunbeams, just singing along and I look to my right and Kai is NAKED! He had taken off his pants and underwear and had his shirt pulled up. He must have done all this in about 3 seconds because i was sitting right beside him. The singing time teacher was just laughing, what else are you gonna do right? So I pulled his pants back on and shoved him down the row to his dad. I was just mortified. That's all. Oh and Jesus definately doesn't want me for a Sunbeam.

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