Saturday, September 6, 2008

jensen bambino #3

We are having a third:)
We weren't trying yet, so I'm not really sure why I took the test, but I had a feeling and I just went with it. I was pretty surprised when it came out positive. Bri was at work so I waited til he got home to tell hime. I made the kids t-shirts to tell him, but he didn't get it. It was pretty funny. We are so happy and excited!

With daddy after he finally got it

Big-er brother

Big sister


  1. Awesome news Krystal! Congratulations!!

  2. So so so excited for you! How many weeks? Um I have been wanting you to email me your phone#. I have been wanting to talk to you. so, when you get a chance email it to me thanks!

  3. That's great! I think its funny that Brian didn't get it at first. What a surprise. Congrats!

  4. Congrats!! I did not know you were expecting. I am glad you found my blog and said hi. It is fun to see what is going on in your life. I hope you are feeling well!!!
