Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our Trip To NC

We were in North Carolina from the 25th until the 5th. We had a wonderful time spending time with family and friends. We didn't get to see everybody that we wanted to see and the ones we did get to see we weren't able to spend near enough time with. We will definately need another trip back home soon! The food was sooo good. And so was the weather. The second day we were there is was 76 degrees! Holy Cow! We were able to go to the beach for a day and that was so exciting for the kids. The only downer of the trip was that my camera broke about three and a half minutes after we got to NC so I wasn't able to take any pics at all. Sadest story ever. Poop.


  1. That is way sad. I was wondering where all the pictures were? I'm glad you had a good time on your trip. 76 degrees, wow Idaho only sees that in July. :)
    How's the shopping going?

  2. Yeah but I should quit whining I know. It is really sad though. The shopping is still needing some about you? Are you all ready for your little guy? I miss you and you guys need to come play again soon.

  3. Hey... how the heck are ya? I'm glad you had a nice trip. We'll talk soon

  4. yess. um im good and thats it. see you if and when i work next:)
