Thursday, July 17, 2008

Golf Angel

Last week we were at Fred Meyer filling up the beast with gas, and out of the sky comes a flying golf ball and hits right in the middle of our hood. I guess one of the guys at the golf coarse across the street really sucked and somehow managed to hit our car. I don't think he could have done it again in a million years if he tried. They all stood there and were staring at us out of the corner of there eyes..they were trying to act like they didn't know that they had hit our car. It left a small dent, but we were more upset that the guys didn't bother to try and say sorry. They just pretended they didn't know anything about it and thought we would be so stupid as to believe their act. So we called the golf coarse and told them what happened. We told them it was a group of 4 guys and one of them was wearing a purple shirt. The evidently knew exactly who we were talking about and went out to find them on the green. He called us back about 15 minutes later and said that after 5 minutes or arguing with the guy he finally admitted that he had done it. So they got his information to give to us. Brian called the next day, and the next day, and the next. Finally after calling about 10 times the guy calls us back. He said he didn't answer because he thought it was a solicitor but after receiving so many calls from the same number he figured he'd better call back and see what was going on. The guy we were calling lives in Minnesota. He's never even been to Idaho. After explaining the story the guy on the phone asked Brian again what the name was again that he gave us and the spelling of it. He then informed us that "John Kerr" is a pro football player. Aaaghh! We still can't believe that he would hit our car, pretend it didn't happen, then continued to lie about it even after he knew he was busted, and then give us a fake name and number. Well we forgive you John Kerr! I'm sure someday you can become a golf angel!

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